Conference 2024

This year we are celebrating the arrival of the Dominicans in Ireland , some 800 years ago. The Youghal Monastery came a little later but became very famous because of a special icon housed there. This was Our Lady of Graces, pictured here.

The conference takes place on Saturday 19th October,

Our Lady of Graces on her last visit to Youghal in 1988

at the Mall Arts Centre, Youghal


A conference to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the arrival of the Dominican Friars in Ireland .

Conference Programme


9.45Introduction:Marian O’Halloran, ChairpersonDr Dagmar Ó Riain-RaedelOfficial Opening by Prior Colm Mannion OP St Mary’s Priory, Cork 
Dr Colmán Ó Clabaigh OSB
1224: The Preachers entered Ireland.
The political, ecclesiastical, cultural and economic contexts of the arrival of the Dominicans in Ireland”
10-30Paul Duffy, 
The Exiled Earl and the Soon-to-be Saint – Hugh de Lacy and the making of Saint Dominic on the Albigensian Crusade
11.00Coffee/ Tea 
11.30Prof Tadhg O’Keeffe (UCD)
 The place of the ‘North Abbey’ church in medieval Irish architectural history
12.00Dr Danielle O’Donovan:  
The Dominicans in Ireland and English Architectural Style
12. 30Discussion
13. 00Lunch break
Conor McDonough OP :
Preachers of Grace: The Sermons and Stories of the Dominican Friars of Youghal
15.00Dr Dagmar Ó Riain-Raedel
When miracles happened in Youghal: the wonder-working relics of the Dominican Order “
15.30 Questions, Answers, Comments followed by Close of conference
16. 00A Celebration of the Dominican Order in words and chant. Details to be confirmed.
In view of the 800th anniversary of the arrival of the Dominican Order in Ireland, the conference aims to shine a light at the Dominican Friary at Youghal, commonly called the ‘North Abbey’ to distinguish it from the Franciscan Friary the ‘South Abbey’.
Both abbeys were built in the thirteenth century outside the walls of Youghal and played an important part in the development of the town. The North Abbey was first dedicated to the Holy Cross and the title was later changed to ‘Our Lady of the Graces’ after the ivory relic of this name was discovered. It is now kept in St Mary’s Church, Pope’s Quay, Cork, together with other liturgical artefacts from the Youghal Friary which we hope will be brought back to Youghal for this important day.
To book : send an email to, or go to Eventbrite website and book there or click below :
Buy Tickets on Eventbrite
Costings : Conference fee : €40 per person, €70 for two people
Please check the website for any changes to the Programme.

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